Guthrie’s mission of helping everyone in our communities attain optimal, life-long health and well-being guides us to ensure an environment that respects and values diversity by 为所有劳动者提供公平待遇, 学习, 在这里接受治疗. As the cultural landscape of the communities we serve continues to evolve we have rededicated ourselves to increasing these efforts.
我们正积极努力确保这种多样性, 公平和包容是我们在世界博彩公司十大排名所做的一切的一部分. While we recognize this is a journey that will take time, it is one we are committed to.
我们热情地对待所有的病人, respect and dignity and provide care that is both necessary and appropriate. 我们在提供的护理或服务方面没有歧视. 具体地说, 我们不因教育而歧视, 年龄, 性, 性别, 残疾, 比赛, color, 宗教, 收入或谁来付账单, 性别认同或表达, 情感或性取向, 国籍或血统, 婚姻状况, 民事结合地位, 同居伴侣身份, 资深地位, 文化, 语言, 或法律禁止的其他理由. Emergent clinical care is based on identified patient health care needs, 而不是病人的支付能力, 或者组织需求.
对待病人的方式保护了他们的尊严, 自治, 自尊, 公民权利, 参与到自己的护理中. Compassion and care are part of our commitment to the communities we serve. 我们努力提供健康教育, 健康促进, and illness- prevention programs as part of our efforts to improve the quality of life of our patients and our communities.
The Guthrie 多样性、公平和包容 Coalition has three primary areas of focus:
- 病人 – Recognizing and addressing disparities in clinical outcomes experienced by underrepresented groups who are receiving care at Guthrie.
- 护理人员 -有明确的目标, articulated and understood approach by Guthrie caregivers on how Guthrie values, 在我们的组织中庆祝和利用多样性. 点击这里 看看世界博彩公司十大排名对护理人员的病人护理期望.
- 社区 – Identifying areas where underrepresented groups in our service area may be experiencing gaps/barriers in access to care.
We are working hard to ensure that Guthrie provides clinical excellence and compassion to every person, 每一次. 如果你对我们如何才能最好地实现这一目标有什么建议, 或者如果你有问题, 评论或关注, 请发邮件给世界博彩公司十大排名多样性, 公平及包容委员会 Diversity股本Inclusion@chiastocka.com.
We are now offering all caregivers the opportunity to display their pronouns by wearing the buttons pictured below, 他们应该选择这样做吗. Pronouns affirm 性别 identities and create safe spaces by referring to people in the way that feels most accurate to them.
They refer to empowering people by respecting and appreciating what makes them different, 就年龄而言, 性别, 种族, 宗教, 残疾, 性取向, 教育, 还有国籍.
Health equity is the state in which everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their highest level of health.
Equitable health care leads to more efficient healthcare systems overall, 因为更健康的人口需要更少的医疗保健. That means fewer doctor's visits, less healthcare spending per patient, and better health outcomes.
Guthrie celebrates the many women throughout history that have made significant contributions to medicine and who paved the way for the more than 150 women physicians and 264 women advanced practice providers (APPs) currently making a meaningful difference at Guthrie. 这些历史上的医学女性面临着歧视, 偏见, 以及其他挑战, 但坚持不懈,成为医学领域的先驱, 为现代护理事业做出贡献, 癌症治疗, 加强道德规范和标准. 在世界博彩公司十大排名, the Women In Medicine group is active in celebrating and supporting the accomplishments of women physicians and APPs, bringing improvements to the workplace for the growing number of women entering the field and encouraging young women to consider a career in medicine. Guthrie employs nearly 5,000 women caregivers, many of whom also hold leadership positions.
世界博彩公司十大排名诊所和全国一起庆祝黑人历史月. Our mission at Guthrie guides us to ensure an environment that respects and values diversity, 为所有劳动者提供公平待遇, 在这里学习和接受照顾. 过去一年, 世界博彩公司十大排名的多样性, 股本, and Inclusion Committee has remained committed to closing the gaps to care for our underserved populations, 创建更健康的社区. 黑人历史月 is an opportunity to place special emphasis on health care access and improve wellness, as well as to celebrate the contributions of the African American health care professionals serving our communities.
今年6月, 世界博彩公司十大排名庆祝骄傲月是为了表彰我们的LGBTQ+患者, 护理人员和社区成员. We also celebrate in remembrance of the LGBTQ+ individuals throughout history who cour年龄ously advocated for dignity and equality for all.
Learn about what our organization is doing this year to celebrate this occasion.
As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion at The Guthrie Clinic, we highly recommend that all caregivers participate in the free trainings from either the 国家 LGBTQIA+ 健康教育 Center and the CAL.